Working on tuntcp

tuntcp is a project I started during my batch at the Recurse Center. It started off great, but I lost interest by the time the batch ended.

Since then, completing this project has been at the back of my mind. I tend to lose interest whenever I pick it up again - I either get too ambitious about what features to include, or get stuck on how to structure the code.

I made some progress about 2 months ago, but the code was so hackily put together that I myself get confused if I look at it just a few days later.

Over the last two weeks though, I think I made some sort of breakthrough. I've been working on this locally, so nothing to show publicly yet.

Completed raytracingweekend

raytracingweekend has been complete for a while, but I kept the README brief at the time in the hopes of writing a longer blog post about it.

The motivation to write a post never came, so I decided add some more details to the README and call it a day.

I've been avoiding doing this for months. And when I finally started, it took me under an hour to complete. Fun

Re-starting Protohackers

I heard about Protohackers from a fellow Recurser, and attempted a few challenges at the start of this year. As happens with projects, I start them with full interest, but lose momentum at some point and leave it.

A few weeks/months later the interest comes back, and I make an attempt to finish it with any new knowledge I've learnt since then.

That happened this weekend with Protohackers. I started solving them in Go, and completed 3 challenges! The code is up here.


Surprisingly, I made some pretty good prioritizing decisions over the last two weeks.

Since my attention is currently divided by multiple commitments, I decided to work on/finish existing projects, as it's easier to get started and keep the momentum going.

I joined a few RC study groups, but found myself skipping most of them. Rather than trying to fit them in, I chose to stop attending all of them except one, that I host.

I also switched to posting a weeknote once every two weeks, to account for the slower pace for the meantime.