Hi, I'm Piya! I like to write programs that help me understand how systems really work. I blog about it here to solidify my learning (and in the hopes that someone reaches out with a cool work opportunity).
Installing Ubuntu on a 2017 MBP - Power management
Installing Ubuntu on a 2017 MBP - fixing WiFi troubles
W35 2024: Taking a break from weeknotes
W30-31 2024: More thinking, less doing
W28-29 2024: Setting priorities
W25 2024: You win some, you lose some
W24 2024: Slow but steady progress
Python type conversion cheatsheet
RC06: Notes on creating a TUN interface
RC05: Creating and hosting a CTF challenge in two days
RC04: Shell Scripting Adventures
RC03: The Curious Case of the Inconsistent Byte Order
RC02: Extending filtering capabilities in Bubble Tea apps
RC00: Interesting Python behavior
Creating A Blog with GitHub Pages and Jekyll
How To View and Update the Linux PATH Environment Variable @ digitalocean.com