Jamming to songs on loop

There are phases where I don't actively jam to music, but rather just play it in the background while working. I was in this phase for a while, until I heard two new songs last week and now I can't stop jamming to them:

I wanted to add these songs to my playlist, so I spent some time refactoring a script I wrote to download songs locally with their metadata. It was fun looking back at messy code from 2 years ago.

Letting go of tuntcp

I think I got what I wanted out of tuntcp a long time back, but perfectionism kept coming in the way, so I kept adding/changing stuff and now I don't know where to stop.

Progress has been slow, and I'm loosing interest. This coming week is the last week I'll work on refactoring the code, after which I'll consider the project done.

Reflecting on one year at RC

I got accepted to the Recurse Center in July last year, but my batch started on August 7th, which means its officially been a year since I joined!

The batch felt like the tip of the iceberg in terms of my capability as a programmer. However, I find myself only slightly lower from the tip a year later, unable to go deeper on one/a few topics.

I worked on projects post-batch too, but those where chosen based on what I found fun in that moment, rather than learning things in a structured way. More on this later.

A pleasant surprise came in the form of the opportunity to work as a part-time moderator. Helping maintain a community that has been a subtle support system for the past year feels good (so does having some source of income while I figure how to make this "making stuff online" thing work).

To top it all off, my end-of-batch statement was added to the list of RC's Testimonials recently, which felt really nice! This might be the first time my blog has been linked somewhere.

Planning ahead

The last few weeks were hectic, and with those commitments now over, I'm ready to focus on projects again. Reflecting on my time at RC got me thinking on how I can change my approach to learning. Here are some half-baked ideas to ponder over this week: