W26-27 2024: Very distracted

Both these weeks were busy with work stuff, some changes in routine (aka me trying to keep up with a show I really like) and lots of procrastination, which meant little to no progress on personal projects.

I’ve been trying to readjust my routine to start making progress, which hasn’t been successful so far, so here’s a short note summarizing the last two weeks.

Making progress on a C project

I revisited a project I mentioned in a previous weeknote and attemtpted to port the rest of code in the post. It kind of works, but some cases don’t, and debugging those cases is the next step.

Starting a personal wiki?

I was recently helping out refactor the internal wiki at the Recurse Center, and that inspired me to start my own. However, having separate wiki pages started to create confusion with the dev journal system, so I’m thinking on how to incorporate this with the journal itself.

Lots of thinking

Since I was finding it tough to get started on something, I decided to spend time planning in the hopes that something would click. I’m in the process of breaking down projects into smaller, manageable tasks, and priortizing which ones to focus on.


Riding the wave of the start of a new batch and new events at RC, I decided to join a study group working through the Web Browser Engineering book. I had this book saved in my “someday” list for a while, and this study group seemed like a good opportunity.

I’m working through the Chapter 1 exercises, and it seems interesting so far. Not sure if I’ll work through the entire book though.


The new additions to my routine meant that my existing routine isn’t working. This was also reflective in my dev journal, where I have very few notes from these two weeks.

Attempts at readjusting my routine shall continue.