
If any of these ideas particularly interest you, let me know!

What processes does my machine run on start up, and can I kill it?

Inspired by Can you kill it? Ubuntu Server startup processes. Should I be checking systemd services instead of htop though? There are a lot of processes that do start, but don’t appear in the list as they’ve stopped.

How does Linux boot, really?

Dissecting the kernel logs to see how the kernel boots. Doesn’t include bootloader loading (not sure if that would be too much to include).

Shell configuration checklist

A checklist that can help you identify what changes have been made to your configuration, and what is possible to set. Useful in cases when you made your config files a long time ago and don’t remember what to look for.

Debugging a segmentation fault the hard way

Inspect a core dump instead of print debugging

Something something /proc

The proc filesystem looks really cool, and finding something cool about a process from it would be fun, like Recovering files using /proc (and spying, too!). Maybe I should read the man page.

Offline docs on the command line

The only options for accessing offline documentation are web or GUI-based (DevDocs, Dash). The idea is to make a TUI for the same.

Designing the interface itself is one thing, but I don’t know where to get the documentation itself from. Maybe DevDocs has an API?

A jq-like tool, for HTML

There are existing tools out there for extracting HTML contents based on CSS selectors htmlq, pup and html-xml-utils.

However, jq also allows to modify keys and values within JSON, which none of the tools do for HTML. I’m planning on switching to hand-crafted HTML pages instead of using a static site generator for my website, and a tool that lets me modify attributes and values for multiple elements at once would be really useful.